Cool Pavement Implementation

Construction workers spreading cool pavement materials onto a residential street

In 2021, the City of San Antonio became the first city in Texas to fight heat with the treatment, testing it on a small stretch of asphalt at the east end of the Hays Street Bridge.

Now, the City is expanding its initiative, applying cool pavement treatments -- GuardTop, PaveTech, GAF, and SealMaster -- to sections of roadway in all 10 Council Districts.

The application of the pavement treatment began on Monday, April 24, 2023.  After the cool pavement is applied, the City will study the locations for six months and work with the University of Texas at San Antonio to evaluate its potential to cool the city down.


While more costly than typical seal coating materials, Cool Pavement can last longer than traditional asphalt seal coats. It also has the potential to make our streets cooler and more sustainable. That’s in line with the City’s SA Climate Ready, Climate Action & Adaptation Plan adopted by City Council on October 17, 2019.


In total, the program will cost about $1 million. That includes the cost of installing the cool pavement at all ten (10) sites as well as evaluating the materials for both temperature and product performance. The City’s Resiliency, Energy Efficiency, and Sustainability Program Fund will fund the project. Its goal is to reduce temperatures in the hottest parts of the city in partnership with local institutions such as UTSA.


Take a look at the interactive map to see where cool pavement will be applied around San Antonio.