Intro background


35% of San Antonio’s Community greenhouse gas emissions are from transportation. Explore alternatives sustainable transportation methods below! 

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure


The Path Forward

San Antonio’s future growth is being designed to be sustainable and efficient; to be a place where our community can easily get around in a safe, reliable, efficient, cost-effective, and healthy way. A comprehensive transportation network provides choices to people so they can determine how they move around the City. As an individual, these choices can have impacts on your wallet and your health. Collectively, these choices impact air quality and how much space is dedicated to moving people.

As the city grows and more people join our community, we’re rethinking how the transportation system works and what we can do to offer more transportation options. We know we can’t keep building roads, which can reduce the space we have for housing and green spaces and affect our air and water quality. These choices are critical to moving people, preserving our community, and mitigating impacts on our region’s resources.


Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is a measurement that estimates the total amount of miles each vehicle within a certain area travels within a given period of time.

VMTVehicle Miles Traveled

Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is a measurement that estimates the total amount of miles each vehicle within a certain area travels within a given period of time.

VMTVehicle Miles Traveled
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production


Electric Vehicles

To reach our sustainability goals, not only do we need to reduce overall Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), we also need to use vehicles with cleaner fuel types, like electricity. The City of San Antonio recently launched EV-SA to unify our initiatives around electric vehicle plans, policies, and programs. Read more about the benefits of electric vehicles and how the City of San Antonio can help you make the transition.

Interested in an EV and not sure where to start? CPS Energy has a great tool to introduce you to the many EV models that are available for you to choose from.

Remember to explore the used EV market. Purchasing a pre-owned EV will save you money and help reduce waste and emissions.

How Much Money Will You Save?

Use the Savings Calculator to calculate your yearly and long term fuel savings when you switch to an EV. By inputting some basic information like the current cost per gallon of gasoline and your current gasoline powered vehicle's miles per gallon, you can quickly compare costs! Give it a try, you might be surprised at the results!

ChooseEV Savings Calculator

Electric Vehicles

Free Parking for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in San Antonio

Did you know that vehicles displaying an authorized Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Placard can park for FREE at City of San Antonio managed downtown street parking meters or street pay stations for a period of time not to exceed the limit of the meter or pay station?! To find out more information and download the application, visit the following link.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure


Transitioning to a Sustainable, Electric Fleet

San Antonio is catalyzing the transition to electric vehicles for municipal operations. 19 Chevy Bolts were added to the City’s fleet in 2021. As part of the SA Climate Ready Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, San Antonio has committed to lead by example by converting fleet vehicles and trucks to more efficient options, with a priority on electrification. To support this, the City put in place the Sustainable Fleet Management & Acquisition Policy to ensure vehicle fleet purchasing aligns with San Antonio’s climate goals.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production

Electric Vehicles

Explore Resources for Switching to Electric Vehicles

What Will Be Your Carbon Reduction When You Go Electric?
Learn Which Vehicles Qualify for the 2023 Tax Incentives
Find a Charger and Plan Your Trip
How to Prepare Homes and Buildings for Electric Transportation


21 miles


24 miles

2040 - Goal

19 miles

San Antonio has a goal to reduce the amount each person travels in their vehicle each day. 

This will be accomplished by expanding other transportation options. Read on to learn more!

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Did You Know?

San Antonio's public transportation system, VIA, has 95 routes and 6,621 stops in San Antonio? VIA's service area is over 1,226 square miles covering 98% of Bexar County. As of 2023, 8 new electric beses were added to the VIA fleet. Presently they're being piloted on 2 routes:

  • Route 2 Blanco Frequent with Route 34 South St. Mary's Frequent
  • Route 14 Perrin Beitel Skip with Route 44 Pleasnton

Whether you use these routes or not, riding with VIA is a sustainable alternative to driving a personal vehicle. Find out where your closest stop is so you can ride sustainably!

Ride with VIA
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities


Advanced Rapid Transit is Coming to San Antonio!

Advanced Rapid Transit (ART) systems operate on dedicated bus lanes allowing for fast, frequent, and reliable public transit service. Through VIA's Keep SA Moving program, they are designing the region's first ART corridor - the VIA Rapid Green Line - which connects the North and South sides of San Antonio. The project is scheduled to be open to service starting in 2027. 

Another proposed corridor - the VIA Rapid Silver Line - will connect the East and West sides. 

Keep an eye on the project timeline and other important information at the Keep SA Moving ART website.

The Advanced Rapid Transit North/South Corridor Project connects the San Antonio International Airport area, along San Pedro Avenue, through Downtown, and south to the Missions area. ART vehicles run in dedicated and mixed-use lanes.


Click image to enlarge

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Did You Know About our Walkable Community Program?

The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization developed the Walkable Community Program which recognizes the need to plan for everyone and all modes of travel, whether young or old, motorist or bicyclist, pedestrian, wheelchair user, or transit rider. Sign up your community to participate!

Learn more about our Walkable Community Program
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Good Health and Well-Being


The Benefits of Biking in San Antonio

Watch this video for Mayor Nirenberg's thoughts on the importance of biking in San Antonio. Biking is a sustainable alternative mode of transportation. And now, with e-bikes becoming even more popular and affordable, biking to run errands has never been easier! 

Source: SA Press Release - visit for more renderings

Alternative Transportation

Introducing San Antonio's New Cycle Track

In November 2023, the City of San Antonio received federal funding to build a cycle track downtown along Market and Commerce streets. Nearly one mile of two-way, separated bike lanes will be constructed with this funding. For more information about the funding and the project, refer to the press release on the City's website. Make sure to review the map for the proposed project locations. 

Sustainable Cities and Communities


SA Bike Network Needs Your Input

The SA Bike Network Plan will define a network of safe and comfortable bike facilities to connect us to the places we want to go and people we want to see.

The plan will guide how we build things like trails, bike lanes, and crossings and help identify where they are needed most.

To learn more about how you can get involved or to follow the plan progress, visit and don't forget to take the survey!


Score: 49


Score: 48

2040- Goal

Score: 35

By 2040, San Antonio aims to have residents spend no more than 35% of their income on housing and transportation, creating a more affordable San Antonio for all families.

San Antonio has some work to do to meet our Housing and Transportation Index Goal.

By reaching this goal we will make our City a more affordable place to live.

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities

We're planning on saving you money!

In San Antonio, the average household spends 23% of its income on transportation. This is equivalent to over $12,000 per year. Our City is developing plans that will allow more people to live and work in our regional centers and its surrounding neighborhoods. We are also improving our walking, biking, and transit options. The result will provide San Antonians with transportation options that won’t break the bank.

Check out the San Antonio Comprehensive Plan to learn more
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Land Use & Transportation

Start Biking and Walking in San Antonio Today!

There are bike and walking routes all over San Antonio! Find out where they are below.

San Antonio has an interactive map that shows you where all our bike facilities are!
Find out where you can park your bike downtown!
Check out the best place for biking and walking in San Antonio.